
18. Roll on Self-love

A perfume with harmonizing essential oils that will help you to root yourself, to hunt
dark thoughts, welcoming change and love for yourself.

This little 'Self love' concoction to use on the temples,

the wrists and the blow.

Synergy: Self-Love
Citrus, incense and copaiba

Bigger size? It's her  Produits personnalisés c'est ICI!

We say that ...


Would be used to calm tensions. Harmonizing, it would also be appropriate in case
lowering morale, easing mental rigidity, moderating obsessions and
raise resistance to change.

Would have invigorating virtues to bring optimism and good humor.
Stimulating, they would promote self-confidence and refocus ideas.

Stimulate and revitalize psychic and mental. It promotes the healing of
soul wounds, emotional energizer. Would help forgiveness, find calm
and harmony. It would also promote adaptation to change.


Ingredients: Coconut Oil, Essential Oils.